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Rajaa AbdulRahman Moueminah earn the Arab Leadership Shield

Rajaa AbdulRahman Moueminah earn the Arab Leadership Shield
Rajaa AbdulRahman Moueminah earn the Arab Leadership Shield

Rajaa AbdulRahman Mouminah, Founder and President of Future Institute of Higher Education & Training, received the Arab Leadership Foundation's Shield in recognition of her excellence and leadership role in the field of developing business in Saudi Arabia.

Mouminah's long record is full of work that contributes to the kingdom's development in line with the goals and vision of 2030. It is also in line with the national transformation program led by HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Emad Shahin, CEO of the Arab Leadership Foundation, dedicated Ms. Raja Mouminah, the Arab Leadership Shield, in recognition of its initiatives and pioneering actions supporting the kingdom's development process, and its support and development programs in the service of the community.


Shahin stated that the foundation works to honor the executive leadership of men and women, prominent, and active people with managerial and executive positions in Saudi Arabia, in recognition of their efforts and the pioneering work which in turn contribute directly to support the development process for the Kingdom and its promising vision.

In her turn, Mouminah thanked sincerely the Arab Leadership Foundation for this generous gesture and this honor that promotes the pioneering work and increases the responsibility to continue providing more efforts and outstanding work. She praises them for this pioneering and supportive initiative for excellence, creativity, and the development and wishing them every success.

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